Incoming Summers: Keep a Matters List Forum

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Incoming Summers: Keep a Matters List

Post by Pneumonia » Tue May 09, 2023 10:37 am

PSA for incoming summer associates: you need to keep a spreadsheet that documents the cases (or deals) that you work on. This is for conflicts purposes. If you are going to clerk, or if you might go to a different firm at graduation, you will absolutely need this list. Also, the firm you're summering at might merge before you return. There are any number of reasons, really. Keeping the list is a hassle, but you need to do it. The list needs to contain: (1) the parties to the case or deal; (2) the law firms representing those parties; (3) the firm's internal client/matter number; (4) a description of the case/deal; (5) a description of your role; (6) a rough estimate of your hours worked. Taking those in turn:

(1) The party names need to be technically correct. Not "Chase Bank," but rather "JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.," "J.P. Morgan Securities LLC," or " JPMorgan Chase & Co." Be sure to identify which party you represented. It is easy to forget.

(2) For the opposing firm, you just need the name of that firm. Some incoming conflicts list may ask for the name of the lead opposing counsel, but that is rare so don't sweat it.

(3) You need to keep the firm's internal client/matter number in case you need to follow up with your old firm to get more info. The whole point of keeping this list in the first place is so that you DON'T have to reach back you to your old firm, but sometimes it can't be avoided. Some firms require idiosyncratic information on their incoming conflicts lists, or you may in some instances need to get a conflicts waiver from the old firm's client (in which case you should do so by asking the old firm for help, not by reaching out to the client directly). All of that is much easier if you have the client/matter number handy. Do not share the client/matter number with others.

(4) The description does not need to be long, and it should not contain any confidential or privileged information. If the matter is a case, include the case number, jurisdiction, and category (e.g., "trade secrets dispute," "breach of contract," "environmental tort," etc.).

(5), (6) The descriptions of your role and hours worked are just to help you remember what you did. These are most obviously helpful if you need to get a waiver. Much better to be able to say "I spent 5 hours researching discovery issues" than "I worked on this matter but can't say on what or for how long."

Keeping this list is a good habit. Maintain it as your career progresses and you will thank yourself when it comes time to lateral.

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Re: Incoming Summers: Keep a Matters List

Post by Anonymous User » Tue May 09, 2023 10:56 am


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