P/F BLL Class Forum

(Seek and share information about clerkship applications, clerkship hiring timelines, and post-clerkship employment opportunities)
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P/F BLL Class

Post by Anonymous User » Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:12 pm

I know this is a long shot, but was hoping to get thoughts of current clerks who review apps. I have until midnight to decide on whether to P/F or not, so any insight would be much appreciated.

I'm a current CLS/NYU 3L with an SDNY clerkship (albeit in White Plains) and currently looking for CoA. I had a rough 1L fall grade-wise but otherwise have made all A/A- since then. I took Corporations this semester, and I'm really nervous for the exam. Prof didn't give us any practice tests with answers, so I'm not sure where I'll be on the curve.

I know taking a BLL P/F is viewed negatively, but would it be worse for me to end up with a B+ on my transcript instead of P/F? I've been studying exclusively for this exam and have put all my time and energy into this class, but I just do not feel like I have a grasp of the material.

Anonymous User
Posts: 429148
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:32 am

Re: P/F BLL Class

Post by Anonymous User » Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:04 pm

Do not P/F corps. (1) yes it will look bad (2) more importantly, if you're feeling this, so are your classmates. if you normally get A/A- I see no reason why that won't happen again here.

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