2.63/175,Asian Female,T14 scholarship chances??? Forum

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2.63/175,Asian Female,T14 scholarship chances???

Post by Ariesverdandi » Wed Oct 27, 2021 2:37 am

Hey,I got a really low ungra Gpa,it is out of Us or Canada,only 2.63. Then I did a master degree in UK,not graduate yet but should graduated with merit. I'm a Chinese female. If anyone can chance me with 2.63/175?Unfortunately I can't afford any law school without full scholarship. Is it possible for me to shot a T 14?Or T20?(with scholarship?)😓

If not,how high lsat i get will help??


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Re: 2.63/175,Asian Female,T14 scholarship chances???

Post by crazywafflez » Wed Oct 27, 2021 1:20 pm

Do you want to stay in the US- if so, you'll need biglaw, and to guarantee that you'll essentially need the T14- with the caveat that Vandy, UCLA, and UT have strong placement into biglaw in their respective markets- and some other schools like USC, WashU, and to a lesser extent BC/BU, can place chunks of their classes into biglaw during a good economy.
You are a huge splitter. I'd just apply to all the T14 from Harvard on down- I'd then try all 3 of Vandy/UCLA/UT or try the ones you'd be comfortable living in (not that they can't place in NYC, they just don't have the same pipeline as say, Duke).
That said, your chances at a scholarship to the T14 are just totally unknown- I'd say you don't have much of a shot at one (maybe you'll get a paltry sum, but not a full scholly). I think you could get a decent scholarship to the WashU/USC and BU/BC schools- just not sure these will get you biglaw.
If you are going to go back to China, just go to the school with the most lay prestige that's known in Asia- I'm from the South, so maybe my vision is cloudy as all, but I'd say Emory, W&L, W&M, Tulane, Wake (to a lesser extent) and possibly UNC, all may have some lay prestige (no clue if that's actually true outside the South- but I had some friends from China who had heard of these schools).
Also, your UK degree won't mean much except at the margins, and even then not much. I finished with a merit from a golden triangle uni and didn't see any bump. I think unless you're at oxbridge, the LSE/Imperial level of schools won't help- and certainly Edinburgh/StAndy/Kings/UCL/Durham etc won't either.


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Re: 2.63/175,Asian Female,T14 scholarship chances???

Post by grandedestroyer » Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:12 pm

Good Luck! def come back and tell us how you did

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