Please be BRUTALLY HONEST, do I have a chance at law school re-admission in 5+ years after dropping out? Forum

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Please be BRUTALLY HONEST, do I have a chance at law school re-admission in 5+ years after dropping out?

Post by backtolawschoolorna » Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:24 pm

I attended a top 50 law school in Fall 2020. I finished the first semester in the bottom ~15% of the class and took a long, hard look in the mirror and realized I had decided to go to law school for the wrong reasons. It’s the tale older than time itself. 22 year old college grad with a humanities degree doesn’t know what else to do with their life so they go to law school to sound like they’re making something of themselves. Well this weak foundation caused all my motivation to collapse with the fork in the road that was the pandemic. (I applied and was accepted in 2019, before the pandemic took off.)

After dropping out of law school in Spring of this year, I joined the military and am currently in a contract until 2025. So if I do go back to law school, it won’t be until the 2026 or 2027 school year at the earliest. After being distanced from the law school experience with a whole new challenging experience of its own, I’ve surprised myself by continually reminiscing on my law school experience and desiring to gain a legal education and pursue a legal career. I already feel my motivations maturing, possibly wanting to pursue commission as a JAG and help ensure the legal rights of servicemembers in an unfamiliar legal system (UCMJ.) But before I get too far in my future planning, I want to know (through as much brutal honesty as it takes) whether or not I have a shot at law school (re)admission (NOT AT THE SAME SCHOOL! God no!)
Stats: 3.8 uGPA, 2.67 Law school GPA (15 credits), 163 LSAT (obviously will have to retake this)

TL;DR Did terrible first semester at law school, dropped out and joined military, potentially looking to go back to law school


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Re: Please be BRUTALLY HONEST, do I have a chance at law school re-admission in 5+ years after dropping out?

Post by CanadianWolf » Wed Jul 28, 2021 6:56 am

Relax. Reapplying to law school after several years in the military is fine. It is easy to understand your situation. Many will respect your decision to join the military for a few years prior to reapplying--especially since you understand the law school experience.

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