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University of Miami - Hold Category?

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 12:15 pm
by CA19
I applied to UM about a week ago and just received an email that I have been put in a "hold category." I've done a bit of research on what that means and have scheduled a school visit for this upcoming Monday. However, I wanted to know if anyone else has any experience with being put on hold? I read somewhere that it's obnoxious to send a letter of continued interest so soon after applying. Is this true? Or should I send the letter ASAP and include my new job as manager assistant of an Assisted Living Facility?

Re: University of Miami - Hold Category?

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:22 pm
by AshleyMayfield

I’m in the same situation now and I was wondering if you were taken off the hold category and admitted, and if you did actually write the LOCI