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Do law school applications ask to specify whether jobs are FT, PT, or internship

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:39 pm
by lawschoolsplit2023
I have valuable work experience since I graduated from undergrad. I have part time employment, full time employment and have done five internships. All that would fit and work great on a resume, which I know law school applications desire. Still, law school applications also have their own inquiries I am sure as it relates to employment.

Do the applications say something to the effect "Please list all the positions youve held" to which you can cite full time employment, part time, internship or do they ask specificially for just paying jobs, which would decimate putting internship experience on? And do they ask to differentiate between FT and PT also?

Re: Do law school applications ask to specify whether jobs are FT, PT, or internship

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 3:21 pm
by nixy
They usually ask you to submit a resume detailing your employment, including full time, part time, temporary, internships, and community service. I don’t think they usually ask specifically for you to list your employment on the application separately from your resume. (I guess Yale has an “activities” section rather than a resume.)

Schools aren’t going to ask you to exclude unpaid/part time work. They might view internships and/or PT differently from FT work (depending on what they all are and your total application package), but they ask for all of that and consider it all.