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RA...ok 1L spring or hold off until 2L fall

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 8:00 pm
by barredown
Pretty self-explanatory. I've decided against gunning for something in the fall as I don't want to over-promise and my sked is weirdly fall-tilted relative to spring. That being said, do people generally think that spring is enough acclimation time to poke around asking for RAs or is it best in your personal opinion to hold off until 2L?

Fwiw I'm not interested in an RA summer gig

Re: RA...ok 1L spring or hold off until 2L fall

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 7:47 am
by cavalier1138
I didn't know that any professors would let 1Ls RA, especially in the first semester. Kind of hard to RA when you have no idea how to do legal research...

But regardless, I wouldn't do it in the fall or the spring. RAing is useful, but it's easier to pull off in 2L/3L, when you have more flexibility in your schedule and grades are less all-important.