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Autism and Personal Statement/Diversity Statement

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:56 am
by Anonymous User
I am interested in thoughts on disclosing my autism diagnoses in both statements. Currently with a 3.8 high gpa and 165-167 lsat. Taking LSAT again shooting for higher score. My personal statement talks about overcoming my language issues as a child and how it led to my current path. It briefly mentions my diagnosis to put things in context. It is a very positive statement and only mentions my diagnosis in one sentence. My diversity statement is similar it mentions how being bullied because of my differences led me to look at the world differently and how I ultimately want to focus on assisting children. Do you think this would be a negative and cause me to underperform or neutral. I am looking at lower T14 (esp if can get LSAT higher) and 15-25. Hoping for some $$. Doubt it would provide any boost.

Re: Autism and Personal Statement/Diversity Statement

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 9:03 am
by CanadianWolf
Hard to critique a law school applicant's personal statement without reading a draft of the writing. Nevertheless, the topic is good as it reveals an important aspect about you not found elsewhere in your law school application.