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Mercer Law Class of 2011

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:41 pm
by brianwithani
With all the hate here on TLS for Mercer, I thought that we should start a thread for us 0Ls. I'll be attending Mercer next month and look forward to meeting you all (y'all, since we'll be in Macon).

Re: Mercer Law Class of 2011

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:31 pm
by yellow_submarine
See you in Macon, classmate!

Re: Mercer Law Class of 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:17 am
by brianwithani
Hello, Yellow Sub, where are you coming from?

Re: Mercer Law Class of 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:19 pm
by yellow_submarine
Athens, Ga

Re: Mercer Law Class of 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:56 pm
by brianwithani
Montgomery, Alabama. Original hometown is Louisville, KY. Look forward to seein' ya on campus.

He would say things like

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:44 am
by Reuo7758
One dad believed in a company or the government taking care of you and your needs. He was always concerned about pay raises, retirement plans, medical benefits, sick leave, vacation days and other perks. He was impressed with two of his uncles who joined the military and earned a retirement and entitlement package for life after twenty years of active service. He loved the idea of medical benefits and PX privileges the military provided its retirees. He also loved the tenure system available through the university. The idea of job protection for life and job benefits seemed more important, at times, than the job. He would often say, "I've worked hard for the government, and I'm entitled to these benefits."
The other believed in total financial self-reliance. He spoke out against the "entitlement" mentality and how it was creating weak and financially needy people. He was emphatic about being financially competent.
One dad struggled to save a few dollars. The other simply created investments.
One dad taught me how to write an impressive resume so I could find a good job. The other taught me how to write strong business and financial plans so I could create jobs.
"And you don't?" I asked.
"No, not really," said rich dad. "If you want to learn to work for money, then stay in school. That is a great place to learn to do that. But if you want to learn how to have money work for you, then I will teach you that wow power leveling. But only if you want to learn."
"Wouldn't everyone want to learn that" I asked.
"No," said rich dad. "Simply because it's easier to learn to work for money, especially if fear is your primary emotion when the subject of money is discussed.
"I don't understand," I said with a frown. buy wow gold for cheap ...
"Don't worry about that for now. Just know that it's fear that keeps most people working at a job. The fear of not paying their gold, The fear of being fired., The fear of not having enough money. The fear of
starting over. That's the price of studying to learn a profession or trade, and then working for money. Most people become a slave to money... that is wow power leveling web page for cheap wow power leveling, and then get angry at their boss."
"Learning to have money work for you is a completely different course of study?" I asked.
"Absolutely," rich dad answered, "absolutely."
Being a product of two strong dads allowed me the luxury of observing the effects different thoughts have on one's life. I noticed that people really do shape their life through their thoughts.
For example, my poor dad always said, "I'll never be rich." And that prophesy became reality. My rich dad, on the other hand, always referred to himself as rich. He would say things like, "I'm a rich man, and rich people don't do this." Even when he was flat broke after a major financial setback, he continued to refer to himself as a rich man. He would cover himself by saying, "There is a difference between being poor and being broke. - Broke is temporary, and poor is eternal."

Re: He would say things like

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:30 pm
by Grad_Student
Reuo7758 wrote:Broke is temporary, and poor is eternal."
Sweet ad douche