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Help for the February Test

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 7:35 pm
by Jimlaw123

Well I didn't do too hot on the December test... (That last game, that was like was like, WTF?).

But, I'm applying for this cycle (With my previous score from before), and I'm taking the February Test..

I'm decently solid on most things... I did bad due to "Reading Comprehension", I read too slow, and if I speed up, it's over for me..

Resigned myself to just doing 3 passages, and going from their. This time, I want to have a set strategy that will net me, anywhere from a 158-160, so I have about 20 points to miss...

Any help on Reading Comprehension? Certain questions etc... I seem to get lost, and jumbled.

Also, on Necessary questions, I was taught a "Blocking or Bridging method", and my question is, if there is an an "Author's voice" it's the block method (Defending the argument, or conculsion) and if their isn't, if it's just "Statements" it's the bridging type? (In a sense, "Connecting the statements to the conclusion") etc..

Any tips on Role questions? (I tend to miss those).

Last but not least, Sufficient questions... I was taught you just "Find the missing premise", but for some reason, it works sometimes, and doesn't..

I know it's always a "Puzzle" so their has to be a missing piece, but some questions, seem just random, and none of the pieces fit, is it set this way, no matter what? Welp, thanks you guys. I'm taking the February test, but applying for this cycle... regardless (a lot of schools told me, they'd wait for it), so I have a month and 5 days to get on it.. please, any help will be appreciated. Thanks.